Greater Lowell Community Foundation announces new Steven Joncas Community Connector Award at Annual Meeting

Steven Joncas

Lowell, MA – Over 150 residents, business leaders, and nonprofit professionals attended the virtual Greater Lowell Community Foundation (GLCF)’s 2021 annual meeting on June 8. GLCF announced that a new GLCF Steven Joncas Community Connector Award has been established by the foundation in honor of outgoing longtime board member’s commitment to the community.

The inaugural GLCF Steven Joncas Community Connector Award will be given at GLCF’s Celebrate Giving on October 13. The award, given to a community member nominated by individuals and organizations who had stood out in their support of the Greater Lowell community through one or more extraordinary acts during the year. The award recipient will be able to select a Greater Lowell nonprofit to receive $1000 from GLCF. Nominations for the GLCF Steven Joncas Community Connector Award will open in September. 

Steven Joncas came onto the GLCF board in 2006 at the request of founding member Dick Donahue. Joncas served as GLCF board president from 2010-2013.Professionally,Steven Joncas has more than 40 years of real estate development and government experience. Joncas held key positions with elected officials. He served as Chief of Staff for Congressman Martin T. Meehan from 1993 to 1995 and as District Director for Congressman Paul Tsongas later becoming State Manager and Director of Economic Development when Mr. Tsongas was elected to the U.S. Senate.

“We wanted to honor Steve’s 15 years of dedicated service to GLCF,” said GLCF President & CEO Jay Linnehan. “The Steven Joncas Community Connector Award honors his valuable commitment to the community and will serve as a beacon for future community leaders. I speak firsthand as someone who has benefitted from his trusted advice and guidance. He cares about Greater Lowell, and his passion has been inspiring to GLCF.”

To find a video of the Annual Meeting or for further information about GLCF, visit


About Greater Lowell Community Foundation
Established in 1997, the Greater Lowell Community Foundation (GLCF) is a philanthropic organization comprised of more than 390 funds dedicated to improving the quality of life in 21 neighboring cities and towns. With financial assets of more than $50 million, GLCF annually awards grants and scholarships to hundreds of worthy nonprofits and students. It is powered by the winning combination of donor-directed giving, personal attention from Foundation staff, and an in-depth understanding of local needs. The generosity of our donors has enabled the Community Foundation to award more than $25 million to the Greater Lowell community.
