GLCF tackles food insecurity in latest COVID-19 Emergency Response Grants

From left, Chelmsford Community Exchange’s Keith and Linda Downie; Jay Linnehan, GLCF’s President and CEO with Frank Miethe and Dave Eberiel. Chelmsford Community Exchange received a GLCF COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund grant to address food insecurity in Greater Lowell.

The Greater Lowell Community Foundation (GLCF) announced it deployed a new round of COVID-19 related grants, providing an additional $150,000 to 13 area nonprofits addressing an unprecedented spike in demand for food amid the coronavirus crisis. These grants were part of the tenth round of distributions from the GLCF COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund, established in March of this year.

Massachusetts’ food insecurity rate has worsened since 2018, the hunger rate in the state has increased 59 percent, according to a recent report released by Feeding America at the end of October. Middlesex County has the third-highest percent change in child food insecurity in the country, with a 143 percent increase in 2020 versus 2018. The Greater Lowell Community Foundation serves northern Middlesex County. Massachusetts has seen the highest percent increase of residents facing food insecurity of all states with an increase of 59 percent since 2018, representing more than 1 million people who are now struggling to get enough to eat. 

Open Pantry of Greater Lowell volunteer coordinator Deb Martell restocks the pantry shelves.

The 13 nonprofits receiving these grants serve more than 67,000 food insecure individuals in all 20 GLCF communities via food pantries, elder services and a food bank. These grants were made possible by a $75,000 anonymous donor match that partnered with the GLCF to distribute funding to area nonprofits battling hunger in Greater Lowell.  

“With the recent data, it is just heartbreaking to think of the food insecurity challenges Greater Lowell is facing during this pandemic,” said GLCF president & CEO Jay Linnehan. “The need faced by many is serious, and through the COVID Emergency Response Fund, GLCF is determined to do as much as we can to support the most vulnerable.”

The 13 nonprofits receiving grants in the latest round of the GLCF COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund to address food insecurity are:

  • Billerica Community Pantry, Inc.
  • Chelmsford Community Exchange
  • Dwelling House of Hope
  • Elder Services of the Merrimack Valley, Inc. 
  • End 68 Hours of Hunger/Dracut
  • Loaves & Fishes Food Pantry, Inc. (Ayer, Dunstable, Groton, Littleton, and Shirley)
  • Merrimack Valley Food Bank, Inc.
  • Minuteman Senior Services
  • Open Pantry of Greater Lowell, Inc.
  • People Helping People, Inc. (Burlington)
  • Pepperell Aid from Community to Home (PACH Outreach)
  • Stone Soup Kitchen – Living Water Fellowship (Ayer)
  • Westford Food Pantry
GLCF’s President and CEO Jay Linnehan with Amy Pessia, executive director of the Merrimack Valley Food Bank, a recent recipient of a GLCF COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund grant.

“When the pandemic became a reality, our excellent managers and team members immediately adjusted the way we distribute food at the Merrimack Valley Food Bank so we would remain healthy and continue our mission.,” said Amy Pessia, Merrimack Valley Food Bank’s Executive Director. “We are fortunate that our community partners and supporters like the Greater Lowell Community Foundation quickly stepped up alongside us during this extraordinary time. Greater Lowell Community Foundation realizes that financial contributions strengthen the nonprofit agencies who are providing relief to families in the region.”

Since March, through grants from its GLCF COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund and the Massachusetts COVID Relief Fund, the foundation has supported 113 local nonprofit organizations with 207 grants totaling over 2.8 million. 

“At the end of July 2020, the Chelmsford Community Exchange was feeding about 800 clients a month. Our numbers are now 1000 a month,” said Chelmsford Community Exchange volunteer David T. Eberiel. “Given the current pandemic numbers, we are projecting our numbers to increase at least for the short term. This grant from GLCF will assist us in meeting this projected demand.”

Donations to the GLCF COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund can be made online at or by mail to the GLCF COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund c/o GLCF, 100 Merrimack Street, Suite 202, Lowell, MA 01852. 
